Whose Voice is Talking to You? It's All About Mindset!


Kama Hurley was a guest on the podcast to chat about mindset, which we all know is important…. But how do we put a focus on it with a positive approach? Kama gave us so many great tips that I came away with 17 golden nuggets this episode!

  1. Go back to your childhood because it will give you clues

  2. Mental wellness is king, not a mental illness

  3. Coaching is all about the future

  4. You don’t have to be poor to help others

  5. Look around because you might not be charging enough

  6. Ask yourself this question… What is my relationship to money?

  7. What you think about creates your reality

  8. Sometimes you can’t see the possibilities

  9. Learn to deal with emotion

  10. Don’t normalize the pandemic. Everything is unique to each person

  11. Don’t “should” on yourself

  12. Whose voice is talking to you?

  13. There is neuroscience behind affirmations and we should be using them to rewire our brains

  14. Whatever you focus on you get more of

  15. Our brains are designed to look for danger and negativity

  16. You can create new ways of thinking and once you pair it with emotion it becomes powerful

  17. Act and dress the part before it already happens

For more information on Kama visit her website.

If you liked these nuggets join us on the When Passion Meets Profit to listen!
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Until we meet again,

Patricia Noel Drain

Course Creator of YOUR GIFT IS YOUR NICHE which can be your A-ha moment in the course of your career!

Podcast Host on When Passion Meets Profit

FB Group When Passion Meets Profit


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