Will the Real You Please Stand Up! Part 4/5

Will the Real You Please Stand Up! Part 4/5

Going deep within to discover who you are is not easy ...it takes work.

Hopefully, the exercise for today will help you get to know yourself better through the eyes of others.

I want you to ask five or more people what they think you are really good at.

What this exercise will do is validate what you already know about yourself. You might even have some pleasant surprises along the way. Many people have.

Will the Real You Please Stand Up! Part 1/5

Will the Real You Please Stand Up! Part 1/5


Remember the TV show TO TELL THE TRUTH?

It began in 1956 and was revived so many times that it now is in its 31st season...2021

I am using that TV show as an analogy in this blog because all I hear about these days is the question around IMPOSTER SYNDROME.

I do not identify with that because I have never felt like an imposter. Who would want to feel like that??